Welcome to the Falcon Post Well Followup Online Survey.  The goal of the survey is to improve the performance of future wells.  Please answer questions with that in mind.  Should you have comments that are not covered by the questions below, please answer in the free text fields.  We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.  Thank you.  Bill Fisher, Stephen Jeu, Dan Brown, Mark Ramsey (on behalf of Pioneer, Mariner, and Noble)

INSTRUCTIONS:  Click on the best answer to each question.  Changing your answer is allowable.

Enter your identification code from the VIP Workshop:

Overall rating of these 2 completions, everything included: 
Poor     Below Average     Average     Above Average    Superior    no answer

Overall rating of Noble Management: 
Poor     Below Average     Average     Above Average    Superior    no answer

Overall rating of Noble Rig Site Personnel: 
Poor     Below Average     Average     Above Average    Superior    no answer

Overall rating of Mariner Management: 
Poor     Below Average     Average     Above Average    Superior    no answer

Overall rating of Mariner Rig Site Personnel: 
Poor     Below Average     Average     Above Average    Superior    no answer

Overall rating of Pioneer Management: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Overall rating of Pioneer Rig Site Personnel: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

SERVICE COMPANIES - Please rate each one's performance.

Schlumberger Line Spooling: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Schlumberger SCSSV: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Schlumberger Wireline: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Halliburton Completion tools: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Halliburton - Fracturing: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Halliburton - Baroid (Filtration and fluids): 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Franks (Casing): 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Expro Subsea: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer

Expro Well Testing: 
Poor Below Average Average Above AverageSuperiorno answer




What else about the job would you like to comment on?


Enter your comments in the space provided below:

OPTIONAL:  If you wish to remain anonymous, there is no need to fill out anything else.  If you want someone to discuss any of your feedback, please tell us the best way(s) to get in touch with you:

            Face to Face discussion


            Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Thank you very much for your feedback.


Copyright © 2002 Texas Drilling Associates. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 02, 2002 .